Yes or No will not be the correct answer for this question, but jQuery should be considered as other library and only be added when needed. It should not be added by default in all the projects. It costs you 30 kb of compressed script that in turns give you simple code for easy handling … Continue reading “Is jQuery still a relevant library in front end development?”
Category: JavaScript and Jquery
Javascript Callback Function explained in a story of “King and his spy”
Callback function are almost everywhere and play very important role in javaScript. Before jumping directly into the story, let’s clear the dust and understand “What is callback function?” and “Why callback function is important?” If not interested in basic, jump directly to the story. What is callback function? JavaScript code is executed line by line, … Continue reading “Javascript Callback Function explained in a story of “King and his spy””
JavaScript – Singleton Design Pattern
Singleton design patterns ensures a class has only one instance and provide a global point to access it. Singleton pattern is handy when you want to create a class whose functionality does not required any changes for its multiple instances. Basic Singleton implementation in JavaScript A basic singleton pattern can be created using simple object … Continue reading “JavaScript – Singleton Design Pattern”